Thursday, August 7, 2008

Calling all fellow "Vivian Complex" sufferers......

"People put you down enough, you start to believe it."....."The bad stuff is easier to believe." says Vivian, Julia Roberts' character, to Edward, Richard Geres' character, in Pretty woman...This is what I have dubbed the "Vivian Complex".

Come on y'all, you know perfectly well what I'm talking about. At some point in our lives, we've all suffered from the "Vivian Complex". Be completely honest with yourself (and everyone else) you have been or are a fellow "Vivian Complex" Sufferer. I'm the PRESIDENT of the club! The BAD stuff is EASIER to believe. It is easier to believe that we are worthless, no good, pieces of garbage, that don't deserved to be cared about or loved instead of what we truly are, fearfully and wonderfully made in Gods' image and of His divine design. And if you have someone that is constantly putting you down, it's even EASIER to continue to believe the BAD stuff. Satan is good at reminding us of the bad stuff too. He's the great deceiver and believe me, he's constantly whispering to me. And then sometimes we're so engrossed in our own pity party (room for only one at this table) that we don't want to hear the GOOD stuff that others and God are telling us...

Lately, I've started to LISTEN to what God and others have been telling me. That I am worth it. I'm so worth it and so loved that God sent His only begotten Son to die on the Cross for me. I am a good girl, I am sweet, I am caring, I do care. The problem...I don't always feel that I am those things. I'm learning that I don't have to "feel" to "be". As long as I am obeying God and following Him, then I am A OK. I've also started to believe that those qualities that others see, are qualities of God. At those times where I don't feel that I am a good person and another does, that is Gods' image shining through me. Praise the Lord!

So, now when I talk to my friends and joke them when they're having a "Vivian Complex" moment, I remind them that they are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made and that God DOESN'T make mistakes! Until next time, FROG...

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