Sunday, July 27, 2008

And Then There was EBay....

Hello and Good Day! I don't know about y'all, but I'm not a big "EBayer". Sure I've used it once or twice to find a few things, but I'm don't visit it daily. In fact until today, I hadn't bid on anything since 2006. Well today, I bid on 6 things...ha ha. And praise Jesus, it was a good day for me on EBay! Now, I'm a huge fan of the "buy now" button. I like to be able to get what I want fast and easy. I'm not all for the "bidding wars" like some of you folks. I mean really!?!? I'm not very competitive and knowing me, I'd forget and either lose the item or the one time, I really didn't know what I was doing and put my maximum bid down as $20.00 for a book ( I forgot to stick a decimal in there). So anyways, the other person bid high, and I got stuck paying $17.00 something plus shipping and handling, for a book that I really didn't want that badly in the first place (it was Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks...I didn't really care for the movie...I just wanted to see if the book was any better). Moving on....

As I said, today was a great day for me on EBay! First of all, I got the Macy's Talking Plush Shrek Doll for $12.98 (that includes S&H and yes it had a "buy now" button!!). Now I know that to y'all this isn't a big deal, but it was to me. The reason it's such a big deal is because, it's going to make a certain 16 month old little girl VERY happy (there is a story here). One of my dear friends, has a baby girl that loved her roommates Macy Shrek Doll. She loved this toy so much, that she took it EVERYWHERE she went. However, when my friend moved out, her roommate wouldn't let her little girl have the Shrek doll. So, there was the mad rush to find one for her. And by the Grace of God, I happened to find one!! So Baby Baby Cakes, you finally have a talking Shrek doll all of your own now!! *End of Story*

Secondly, I was looking for the Shrek movies for the same little girl too. Now I checked, and I'm a bargain hunter. I check all the sites and find the best price including S&H. Well I tried looking on EBay and guess what!?!? I found all 3 from different buyers and you guessed it they had "buy now" buttons. So, I bough now!! I got all 3 for the grand total of $29.98, S&H included. I LOVE IT!! I also found her Beauty and the Beast. I passed up the "buy now" button, but only because the movie was .99 and there were 17 minutes left with no bids (I told you, I'm not competitive...). However, I thought I'd take a chance. I took the chance alright. I bid on a movie that's coming over from Australia and isn't brand new... I'm not sure how I feel about this, but as long as it works, I'll be alright. Plus, Baby Baby Cakes is only 16 months old... She's not particular....ha ha....YET!!!

Lastly, I got myself the Snow White DVD. I payed $26.98 for it (S&H included). But, being that they have locked in the vault until they free it again and it was new, I thought it was a good buy. So anyways, I'm not sure if I'm on my way to being a EBay addict or not, but for today, I played in the minor leagues!! Until next time, FROG...

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