Friday, August 22, 2008

Practicing what you preach.....or not......

If I practiced what I preached, I'd be doing good...but then I suppose we all would. Really, think about it, you can GIVE advice, you just can't APPLY it in YOUR OWN life. Well, if you're feeling that way, I'm in the same boat with you. In fact I'm pretty sure we're sitting in an ocean liner the size of either the Queen II or the Titanic. I can give advice with the best of them, but I can't APPLY it to my life at all. But if I could, man would life be a lot easier.

I think I'm a worrier by nature. I know God doesn't want me to worry, but I do. I should give all my problems to Him, but I feel I can take care of it much better than He can...STUPID STUPID STUPID girl! I feel He's getting me ready for a HUGE growth spurt. There is so much going on around me that I feel powerless (I'm not a fan of this feeling. I don't like feeling vulnerable). Growing as a child of God, relationships changing, friendships changing, friendships beginning, a new guy in my life, I mean it's busy. And here I am trying to take control of it all, instead of just being and learning. I'm not a fan of change, I never have been. But then God is all about throwing us out of our comfort zones....

If a friend came to me with the same story, I'd tell them to "go with the flow", "not to worry", "be patient", "be still and know that He is God", "walk by faith, not by sight", blah blah blah blah blah. You know what I'm saying, because you've said it too. Maybe not exactly the same way, but you've said something along those lines before. However this is YOUR life! What you're going through is DIFFERENT than ANYONE ELSE'S plight. BUT IT'S NOT!! It's the same thing, maybe a different scenario and different players, but it's the same. As Solomon said, nothing new under the sun. Someone else has felt the same way and hasn't taken their own advice.

And what's sad, I know what I need to do...I know if I would follow what I'm preaching to others, I'd be happy and relaxed. I'd be enjoying my life more. I wouldn't feel so lost. I wouldn't feel so overwhelmed. My course of action? I'm giving/submitting it to God and I'm going to trust Him more (I have SEVERE trust issues). I'm going to go with the flow and try to relax and enjoy things more. It's gonna take some PRACTICING, but with some patient people in my life, I'm sure I will be successful. Until next time, FROG....

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