Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Leaded, unleaded, or somewhere in between.....

I'm a coffeeholic. I LOVE coffee...maybe a little too much! And I'm not into all that fru fru stuff. Don't get me wrong, I do occasionally enjoy an iced West 3rd from Front Porch Cafe (local coffee house on the Outer Banks) or a Mocha Frappuccino. But for the most part, I'm a "plain Jane". I like Foldgers 100% Columbian (LEADED!) coffee with enough cream to make it a nice shade of tan. No flavored coffee creamers or sweetener here! Just plain hardcore leaded java! And I don't just like a cup or 2 of coffee a day, I drink more like 1 1/2 to 2 pots a day!! Can we say ADDICTED?!?!

For those who drink Unleaded coffee, I'm not gonna bust on you. Some people are just anti-caffeine (don't stone me here). And for the most part it's due to health reasons. I can respect that. To each is his own. And in all actuality, decaff coffee tastes a WHOLE lot better than it did when I was growing up (my Grandpap used to drink Sanka, instant decaffeinated coffee...ugh!!). I've even been FOOLED before and didn't know I was drinking decaff (it's probably a subconscious thing) But if I'm in the store, you better believe I'm putting the leaded stuff in my cart!

HOWEVER...I think I need to switch to the "somewhere in between". I'm so hyped up on the caffeine that I'm "zinging" here and there and everywhere in between. My brain is always going and there is always something to do, even if my body is begging for relaxation. I also believe that the caffeine is having the opposite effect that I want it to. Instead of being alert and awake, I'm tired and groggy. Why? Simply because my body IS tired, but I'm so keyed up that I can't sleep and I'm not getting the deep sleep that I need. And on top of that, I'm a talker by nature, add a pot of coffee and I'm a speed talker. I get to rambling on so fast that my dearest friend has to remind me to breathe!!

So, after talking to countless friends and my Dr. I've decided to mix my "leaded" with "unleaded" to get "something in between". I'm hoping I'll get just enough "zing" without all added the "zinging". And remember, if you're going to drink unleaded, make sure it's NATURALLY unleaded! It's healthier for you! Until next time, FROG...

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