Friday, April 3, 2009

Please add the sugar syrup!!!!!

For all of you that don't know, I'm a coffeeholic. I LOVE COFFEE. Morning, noon, night, it doesn't matter. McDonalds has come out with their McCafe. You can order specialty coffees. Now they don't have the selection that Star Bucks has, but it's more of a selection than just your plain hot coffee. I think God is trying to tell me I don't need them (and knowing myself as I do, He'll have to continue to do so). Now I know you're probably laughing and scratching your head thinking I'm nuts (I am a bit), but I'm serious. The last 3 times I've gotten Regular Iced Coffee from the McCafe, something has been TERRIBLY wrong with it.

The first time it happened was my last night shift. I got Nancy and myself a LARGE iced coffee. It turned out to be an iced coffee sans the ice. The girl making them added scorching hot coffee and melted all the ice. Nothing more refreshing than an iced coffee sans ice...ugh! The second time it occurred was during my last time off. I had a nice morning of running around and sushi with friends. On the way home (and I have a trek home), I decided to stop for one of these cool, refreshing drinks. I ordered my typical large iced coffee. Being the safe driver I try to be, I didn't have a sip until after I had gotten back on the road. Boy was that a SURPRISE. Instead of the nice blend of sugar, coffee, and cream, I had a mouthful of unsweet iced tea with cream. GROSS I KNOW!!!! However, because it cost me $2.36, I drank it. After a while I got used to the taste. I won't lie though, it was a MAJOR let down. So tonight, my friend Nancy asked if I wanted a coffee, and I was like OF COURSE!! Sounds good to me...well that was ANOTHER LET DOWN. This time it was coffee, and it had ice, BUT it was MISSING the sugar syrup...*SHAKING HEAD*. So next time I order an iced coffee from the McCafe, I'm asking for sugar syrup. Until next time, FROG!

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